
Disclosure Renewal

All Sea Cadet volunteers who have unsupervised access to cadets are required to ensure that they hold a valid disclosure. 

Please note that in line with a new MoD requirement, from the 1 October 2023 any fully enrolled volunteer that does not hold a valid disclosure will be automatically suspended until such time as they obtain one.

The process for renewing disclosure application varies slightly dependant on location. For more information please view your relevant tab below. 

Disclosure ID Check: Awarding Qualification on Westminster

To improve the processing time of disclosure applications, once an ID Check has been completed Units and Districts should award volunteers with an ‘ID Check Complete’ qualification. This should be used for both initial and renewal applications. Awarding this qualification will do the following: 

-          Alert Volunteer Support that a disclosure application should be submitted

-          Prevent the need for units to send an email to confirm this has been completed

How to Guide: Awarding Disclosure ID Check qualification on Westminster 

Notes for Person under Suspension

In the event that a volunteer is suspended due to not holding a valid disclosure they will receive an email informing them of this. Further supporting guidance can be found below. 

Notes for Person under Suspension: Notes for Person under Suspension 

Volunteer Suspension Procedure: Volunteer Suspension Procedure

Disclosure Renewals - England and Wales 

Disclosure Service: Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) - processed via uCheck

How to Guide: Disclosure Renewals- England and Wales

External Websites: 

Disclosure Renewals - Scotland 

Disclosure Service: Disclosure Scotland - processed via Volunteer Scotland 

How to Guide: Disclosure Renewals - Scotland 

External Websites: 

Volunteers based in Scotland are required to create a Scot Account and share their PVG certificate with MSSC directly. Failure to share your result with us may result in automatic suspension in line with MOD requirements.  

Disclosure Renewals - Northern Ireland 

Disclosure Service: Access Northern Ireland 

How to Guide: Disclosure Renewals - Northern Ireland 

External Websites: 

Disclosure Renewals - Malta 

Disclosure service: Malta Criminal Records Office / Malta 

How to Guide: Disclosure Renewals - Malta

External Websites: Kondotti ( 

What is a valid disclosure?

A “valid disclosure” is an “Enhanced with Barring” disclosure certificate (sometimes known as a “criminal records check”) issued to the MSSC by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) or Access Northern Ireland (ANI) or Disclosure Scotland (DS) (known as a PVG) within the last 3 years that either is “clear” (i.e. contains no information) or where it does contain information, has been formally assessed and approved by the MSSC.

What is the criteria for suspension?

Any volunteer who holds an active appointment which requires a disclosure and does not have a valid disclosure recorded in Westminster will be automatically suspended until such as time as they obtain one. This must be recorded in Westminster in order for suspension to be lifted.

How will I know that my disclosure is due for renewal? 

As a volunteer you will receive a reminder three, two and one month prior to your disclosure expiring prompting you to begin the process to renew your disclosure. Please take action as soon as you receive the first reminder, as we cannot guarantee how long the external processing will take. If you are part of a Unit Command Team, you can track your volunteer’s renewal dates via our Disclosure Report.

What happens if I am suspended?

You will receive an automated email advising you of your suspension which will outline the conditions of your suspension. In addition, your Westminster appointment will be broken. You will be highlighted on Westminster and any course bookings as not having a valid disclosure.

How long does a disclosure application take to be processed? 
All disclosure applications require external processing and the time in which disclosures returns varies. It is not possible to give an estimate on how long this process can take. We do recommend that you submit your disclosure application as soon as possible to avoid any possible delay having an impact on your volunteer role.  
How can I track the status of my disclosure application? 
The status of your application can be tracked within the Volunteer Portal. Please select the 'Onboarding and Renewal' pathway. There are three qualifications which we award in relation to you disclosure application 1. ID Check Complete - this is when we have verified your ID check has been completed. 2. Disclosure Submitted - this is when we have submitted your disclosure for external processing. 3. Disclosure Complete - this is when we have received details of your disclosure. This qualification indicates that you hold a valid disclosure.     
My disclosure application is in progress why have I been suspended?

You will receive an automated email advising you of your suspension which will outline the conditions of your suspension. In addition, your Westminster appointment will be broken. You will be highlighted on Westminster and any course bookings as not having a valid disclosure.

I have a criminal conviction that will show up on my disclosure. What do I do?
If you are aware of any information that may appear within your disclosure please contact with further details. We will then be in contact to discuss next steps. It is likely that you will be subject to our Adverse Disclosure process. For further information on what to expect please click here. 
My disclosure application is in progress, why have I been suspended?

Unfortunately, until Volunteer Support receive a notification from your disclosure body we will be unable to record this in Westminster. As soon as we receive this, providing it is clear (contains no information) we will record and inform you that we have received this and as a result your suspension has been lifted.

I am on a leave of absence - should I renew my disclosure?

Yes. Volunteers who are on a leave of absence are required to ensure that their disclosure remains in date. ID checks can be completed virtually with ID documents shown in person on your first return to the unit. ID checks may also be conducted in person however as per suspension guidance, approval must be sought from your Area Officer prior to this.

I am already suspended by safeguarding - should I renew my disclosure?

Yes. As with a leave of absence all volunteers are required to ensure that their disclosure remains in date. ID checks can be completed virtually with ID documents shown in person on your first return to your unit. ID checks may also be conducted in person however as per suspension guidance, approval must be sought from your Area Officer prior to this.

Where can I read further information around the suspension guidance?
Further information regarding the process for the mandatory suspension of volunteers cam be found within the Volunteer Suspension Procedure
How does the new rules around suspension affect new volunteers who are not yet fully enrolled?
New volunteers that have applied for and are awaiting their initial disclosure will continue to be able to be involved with the unit in a supervised capacity. New volunteers should not be awarded with any appointment until they have completed the full enrolment process as this may result in automatic suspension. Exceptions for appointments to UMT members should be sent to VBSM's for approval. 
Can I use the DBS update service?
No. MSSC do not accept disclosures renewed via the DBS Update Service. This is because the Update Service system is not as robust a checking process as initiating a new disclosure. This means that information relevant to volunteering with children may not be shared or passed to MSSC by the Police at the point of disclosure renewal. As a youth organisation, MSSC needs to be aware of all potentially relevant information to ensure we are safeguarding children in our care.     
I've yet to receive my DBS what should I do?

If your DBS application has been in progress for 60 days uCheck will automatically raise an escalation with the DBS. Only the applicant can contact the DBS themselves on 03000 200 190 choosing option 2 then 2 again to speak with an advisor regarding this. We would recommend that you this to understand the reason for the delay.


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