
Mandatory Training

All Sea Cadet volunteers, who have unsupervised access to young people, are individually responsible for ensuring that their mandatory training requirements are kept up to date. This is an obligation across the youth sector. 

Mandatory training requirements comprise of the following items and courses:

-          A valid in date disclosure 

-          Safeguarding at the Sea Cadets: An Introduction (E-learning)

-          Responsible for Information (E-learning

You can track your personal renewal dates and complete your e-learning courses via the Volunteer Portal by selecting the 'Induction and Renewals' pathway. 

Three months prior to your mandatory training requirement expiring you will receive an email from Volunteer Support advising you of your expiry date and outlining the steps that should be taken in order to re-fresh this. Your Commanding Officer and Chairperson will also receive an email advising of this. 

It is important that you take immediate action here, particularly in relation to your disclosure application as this is processed externally. This means that we cannot control the amount of time this will take to be completed. The sooner that you complete this, the less impact this will have on your volunteer role.  

Email reminders will continue to be sent to you, your CO and Chairperson until the requirement is re-completed.  Email reminders will continue on a monthly basis until the requirement is re-completed. In the event your requirement remains outstanding you may be suspended (disclosure) or as a very last resort your volunteer role may be ended. 

Further Support

-If you are unable to access the Defence Gateway please contact your District Westminster Support Officer for Support. 

-In the first instance if you are in need of support please follow the chain of command by contacting your CO or Unit Chairperson.  

-In the event that your query remains outstanding queries please contact your Area Volunteer Support Administrator. 

-If your RFI qualification has expired you will be unable to complete this course via the Volunteer Portal as your access will be locked. You can still complete this course via the Defence Learning Enviroment (DLE) 


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